Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Startup Now, or Finish School?

Many of us have degrees that work for ourselves. That doesn't mean that most of us agree that the degree has much importance to what we do to make money. Having a bit of a business background helps for sure, or if we need some sort of technical expertise it certainly is important to get that education. Many times though you have an idea, and you still have school left. When exactly do you decide if staying with college is worth your time, or should you just jump into your business right away?

It is definitely situational of course. Obviously there are many businesses where having a degree has almost no real value, and waiting is going to cost you. Some businesses are time sensitive. First to market with your new super diet pills, first with an online media idea, etc. all are a factor on if you should wait.

What do you really need to consider when deciding between start up and college? Here is an article that discusses just that.