Saturday, October 28, 2006

How Cocaine is Made

Kind of interesting, but also pretty good at keeping people away from this crap.

Friday, October 27, 2006

The Green Skeleton

I once had a friend that was so sick he turned green. He was a skinny sort that looked like a skeleton. Now he is called the Green Skeleton and fights for justice. What kind fo justice? No idea. I never talk to him anymore. I suppose he fights for great justice by playing the drinking hero at bars. Maybe he even outsmokes the group with some Mary Jane. Wherever he may be he is definitely fighting for great justice.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Resident Evil 4 for PS2

I've had this game now for over a year, but lent it out and just got it back a few days ago. Started playing again and remember how great a game it really was. I guess I'll do a little review on it just for the heck of it.

This is for the Playstation 2 version. The original version was released on the Nintendo Gamecube, but the PS2 version has a few added bonuses. There is the Separate Ways alternate mission after the original story. This is much like Resident Evil 2 in that it shows a different perspective of the story by using another of the characters. The mission is shorter than the main mission, but does add a few hours of gameplay. Also, the PS2 version adds a few new weapons. Everything from the Gamecube version is there. Story is the same.

The game itself blows me away. I love it. It was definitely my favorite game released last year and my favorite since Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

The atmosphere is much like past installments with the very eerie feel. Creepy describes this game more than anything. It really doesn’t have many jump out at you scare effects and isn't really a scary game, but it is definitely very dark and creepy. Playing in the dark would make you feel a bit on edge I would think, but everyone is different. The music sets the mood and the sounds are very disturbing. You know something is after you when the music comes up, but it really doesn't take away from the experience at all. It actually builds anticipation.

Weapons galore. There are a full assortment of hand guns, rifles, shotguns, explosives, Magnums, a Rocket Launcher, a mine thrower, and semi-automatics. The game has a really neat way about finding and building up weapons. There is a wandering merchant that you will run a crossed that buys treasure from you as well as sells weapons to you and does upgrades for them. For example, if you have the basic handgun and talk to the merchant you will see available upgrades for that gun because you own it. Each gun upgrades power, reload speed, fire rate, and capacity (amount of ammos it holds). You pay for these upgrades by finding pesetas (gold like money) from enemies, crates, and treasures. You also will find various treasures around the game that you can sell, but some will have more items you can combine with them to increase their value significantly and fetch you much more money. After getting all available upgrades on a weapon, each weapon has an "Exclusive" that you can purchase for a significant price. Each exclusive is unique to each weapon. The handgun you start with has an exclusive of increasing critical headshots by five times. A very nice little bonus.

The typical herbs are still in this game like the others. You have the Green herb which helps restore a bit of health. There is a red herb that must be combined with a green herb to do anything for you. The combination results in fully restoring your health. There is also a Yellow herb that must also be combined with the green herb. This herb when combined will increase your overall health bar for the rest of the game slightly. These are pretty rare and you will want to find all of them.

The attaché case is where you hold your inventory. There are a few that you can purchase in the game to increase carry space. This case needs to be managed a bit in the game. You store everything you have in it other than treasures. Ammo, weapons, healing items, etc. There is limited space so there may be times where you just can't fit everything you want into it. IT never becomes a serious issue, but there are a few times in the game where you have to make some decisions. You just can't own every weapon there is out there. They won't fit in the case. You need to make a choice as to what you carry. You don't really want to have 4 different handguns in the case because you really only need one.

The story is set in a remote village where some evil whack job has started mining the Las Plagas. This is some sort of spore that drives those who get it into their bodies insane and makes them violent. Guess what? There are no zombies in this game. Can you believe that? Well the enemies are pretty zombie-like, but technically they are not zombies. They are more of a cultish group of villagers who are under a mind control. It won't bother you at all. Trust me. You play as Leon, who was the guy from Resident Evil 2 back in Raccoon City. His mission here is to rescue the President of the United States' daughter from these freak shows.

The game map is pretty big. The village has many areas that also include forests, caves, and a big lake. After leaving the village there is another area that is called the castle area. This area is just as vast. You shouldn't be disappointed with the variety in settings.

This is one of those games that you will play through more than once and possibly several times. After the first completion you can start over, but you still have your weapons from the previous game at their upgrades as well as all the health you had from it too. There are also some special weapons that can be unlocked for the main game. One from just completing the story and a couple of others you can only get if you take on the other extra missions outside the story mode. These weapons are VERY expensive and it may take a bit to be able to afford them in your second play through and even beyond, but they are definitely worth it. Things like an Unlimited Rocket Launcher, a Chicago Typewriter (Tommy Gun) with unlimited ammo, and a Handcannon.

This is easily one of my favorite games of all-time and I would recommend it to anyone. At this point the game should be getting close to the $19.99 price so there is no reason not to buy it. The game is well worth it even at the original price.