Monday, January 18, 2010

Making Your Website A Better Salesman

It's easy to get people to show up at your website. There are a number of ways to ADVERTISE on the internet to get yourself some traffic. It isn't really a difficult proposition to get the traffic, but the major problem most face is converting that traffic to sales. The saying "It's not just traffic that counts, it's what you do with it once it gets there." is the perfect way to approach a website.

With website advertisements so plentiful, and pretty much overlooked by veteran internet surfers, you need to figure out ways to get some to actually buy what you are selling. If nobody is buying your services/products, you are just spinning your wheels and wasting the opportunity to make some money.

If you aren't a big time online retailer with a loyal following like Amazon,, or a brick and mortar that uses the internet for more sales, you might feel like a lost puppy in the middle of New York City. You may have a great product, or srvice, but you just aren't converting them. Just because you offer acne scar removal, that someone who searched for it on Google specifically came to buy, it doesn't mean that you are guaranteed a sale. IT could be any number of reasons. Site doesn't function well, site looks terrible, or cheaply made (This really is a big deal. If a site looks horrible, why would I trust the company enough to give them money?). Could even be that your prices are way out of line, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you can't sell either.

Take a look at another online money maker to see just how they have tried to implement ideas to make their sales higher.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Comprehensive Guide To Outsourcing

While spending the cash to have someone else do it isn't fun, you certainly don't have the time to do it all as a business owner. It may hurt to fork over the money, but it may also be the best possible way to get something done. Sometimes you just have to let something go to get it done the most efficient way. Other things you should feel relived you don't have to do anymore because those things detract from your mood, and your personal efficiency. Doing it all just isn't healthy, and it might even negatively affect your business if you can't let some things go. Get some joint pain relief for the back breaking tasks you don't want to do.

Knowing, when, how, or who to use for outsourcing are the dilemmas, however. Take a look at this comprehensive guide to outsourcing to help you decide the how's, why's, and when's of hiring independent contractors.