7 Ways To Work With Your Spouse and Live to Tell About It
Workign with your spouse could be great. It could also end your marriage. No matter how well you both get a long things can get hectic running a business together and emotions will sometimes take over for common sense. Same as they do at home, but this time it is both your livlivhoods.
HEre are some tips to make the workplace with the spouse as happy as at the home :).
1. Stick to Your Role- If your spouse is an expert at something and you really have no idea how to do it leave them alone. If they are good at cad drawing and you can't even make a fancy doodle, then you probably don't have any reason to be giving them pointers on how to do it now are you?
If your spouse is trained in a specific area of expertise, don't try to do his or her job. They're in that position for a reason. "When we got into arguments, it's almost always because one of us would come over to the other person's side of the business," Ken Wright, co-founder of Dinner A' Fare, says. "It's about the other person's responsibilities and trusting that the other person was going to complete those tasks."
6 more tips