Saturday, October 04, 2008

Help Influence Policymakers That Influence Your Business

No...I'm not talking aobut throwing a bunch of money into a campaign like you here about on the national scene where candidates only work for big oil, insurance companies, and banks. I ran a crossed an article today that discusses the policymakers that matter to you. The ones in your district, and your state. The people that will ultimately have a great impact on your own business.

Whether you think you can get a local candidate to come on over and have a helping of your healthy cooking to discuss some issues important to you, there are several ways to make your voice heard to your elected officials. Take a look at some of the ways you can go about influencing their decisions.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Public Speaking Help

It is said that the #1 fear of most people is public speaking. Problem is that sometimes you HAVE to speak in public. There is no way around it. Sure not everyone will ahve to in their lifetimes, but at some point many will be required to speak in front of at least a small group of people. Especially if you are a business owner, or you work in some aspect of business.

Most of the time salesmen are the worst speakers you will ever find. Sales jobs are a dime a dozen, and damn near anyone can get a sales job. That menas there are a TON of terrible salespeople out there giving terrible presentations. The salesperson has gotten the idea that they need to be like the classic used car salesman. At least this is the notion that most people have about a sales professional. That is just not the case at all. The sales pitch is as easy to see, and subsequently ignore as the glasses on your nose. We don't go to demos for Hydroxycut reviews. We go to get entertained. We want to be intersted.

Take a look at 11 Public-Speaking Tips that are sure to help you at least think a bit differently about how you appraoach a speech, address, or even a sales pitch.