Be a "Control Freak" If You Want Your Business to Succeed
While the author of this article calls it a little bit controversial in his views, and I agree in some instances, the advice is rather solid in my opinion.
Using a variation n the President Clinton campaign slogan of "It's the economy stupid", he says "It's NOT the Economy Stupid". What he means by this is that small business owners were probably making big mistakes well before the downturn, and that sis more likely the reason the are feeling it so hard now.
There are the business owners that live their business, ones that live it, but know how to disconnect, and then the ones that think the business can run itself while trusting others to do it for them no matter what it is. The ones that let go of a lot of control are the ones being addressed in the article.
The author tries to explain the importance of your employees not having the type of control you have if you are their boss. It also talks about how being known as a control freak is what you WANT as a business owner. HE subscribes to the philosophy that "nice guys never win" in regards to running your business and that "There is no "I" in team should" be "There is no $ in team - just mediocrity and excuses".
HE lists 5 points that you need to act on immediately. From paid for performance, to micro-management. Especially in a place where maybe you are employing people who sell. Be it a line of lamb motor, insurance, or anything, performance should be rewarded, and lack of it penalized. No free ride. It isn't like there aren't dozens of other people you could hire right now right?