Marketing: Barack Obama Style
It doesn't take a marketing guru to understand that Barack Obama ran one of the best campaigns in political history. Since it is now over, and the success of winning has been achieved it may be time to take a look at just what he did, and see if it will help your business to emulate some of his strategies. Certainly when you notice that someone has come from a virtual unknown to president of the United States in less than a few years, you have to take notice of how they did it. Doesn't matter if you are motorcycle accident attorneys, doctors, or running a business out of your home. A lot of what he did can be done by anyone using the internet.
I'm not going to butcher this great analysis done by Maisha Walker at She has the same interest I do in evaluating the campaign that won a rpesidency. She does a very good job at pointing out the massive campaign he set forth, but at the same time if you look at it closely you can see how much of it you can do yourself, and at very little cost.