Thursday, September 06, 2007

Spying on Employee E-Mail?

This is a very controversial subject, and frankly I am completely against the idea that any company can monitor employee e-mails. Computer time usage and the sites they go to? Sure. Scannign employee e-mails? Not so much. Someone out there buying bunk beds online during work? I guess you could make an argument, but I see us losing enough of our rights in this country lately that my jerk reaction into any sort of spying, anywhere is to revolt.

The law regarding employers' rights to employee e-mails and computer usage is evolving as fast as the technology. Federal law prohibits the unauthorized interception of, retrieval of or access to certain wire or electronic communications, including stored communications such as e-mail. Violators are subject to various civil and criminal penalties. However, once the communications are downloaded to a company computer, they may be subject to control by an employer. more..

Sunday, September 02, 2007

2007 Inc. 500

In the garden of life there are many lists, but the Inc. 500 is one of the better ones. It is a list of the top Entrepreneurial economies for the past year.

he word solutions is probably overexposed: It appears in the names of 33 of this year's Inc. 500 companies. But what the heck; it elegantly encapsulates the secret to the success of most of these businesses. Customers come to the market with a problem. Our honorees send them home without one. Quantitatively, these companies are obviously exceptional, with 2006 aggregate revenue of $16 billion, median revenue of $10.5 million, and median three-year growth of 939 percent. Qualitatively, they tell us much about the way we live now. full story