Sunday, July 08, 2012

Low-cost Local Marketing Ideas

Marketing locally isn't the same all over. Demographics are certainly different, but the resources available locally tend to be fairly similar. Different sized cities, and even smaller towns have a much different style to market your business. You have a much better niche in smaller areas most of the time so marketing isn't typically much of a problem when you are the only game in town. Doesn't mean there aren't some great ways to increase sales even in a small town either. Networking with other businesses is always a great way to cross-promote. In cities in smaller areas going out and partnering is even a bigger deal. There is a much larger customer pool to get to. Not like say in a town of 10,000 and you are the only one selling dental malpractice insurance in the area. Here are 5 ideas.

What are Successful Entrepreneurs Reading?

While I spend a ton of time reading all sorts of things, many entrepreneurs are hardcore into just reading about business. I rarely read about it. I would rather read about science, or some philosophy of some sort I guess,b ut at times you have to read what will maybe help your business. So I like to see what millionaire entrepreneurs are recommending as things to read in between looking up business insurance from Here are a few book recs from entrepreneurs.

Being a Part-time Entrepreneur

Not many people will tell you that you can run a business as a part-timer. You may hear that from the "Get rich quick" scams online about how you can make more working part-time than you can in a real job, but as a business owner working part-time is unheard of. Of course starting up, you may not have that luxury. So if you need to keep your job selling Cherokee uniforms just to pay the bills, but have a business idea you want to get rolling without funding, you may want to read this article. It gives some ideas on how to run a start up as a part-timer.

Better Networking for Young Entrepreneurs

If you need other people to help you thrive as a business, networking is a key component to running your business. As a younger business owner it might be a bit more difficult to tap into a network that can help you thrive. Getting trust from others at a younger age isn't always the easiest thing to do. So what do you need to do to ensure that your time spent is spent productively when attending events where your focus should be on networking rather than just staring at the flat panel mounts displays? Here are 6 Steps to Better Networking for Young Entrepreneurs.