Stone Hawk Drug Rehabilitation
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Stone Hawk reports an amazing 76% success rate for its patiens that use their drug treatment programs on an inpatient basis. These stats put them as the most successful inpatient drug rehabilitation facility in the entire country! Located in Battle Creek Michigan, which is very close to where I used to live in Kalamazoo.
Their treatment program is different. They don't impose a set of morals upon seekers of help for their drug and alcohol addictions. They take in those that want help and teach them how to live a life with out drugs and alcohol by allowing them to create their own set of morals to live by. Teching them the ways to change and how to be drug free with how their own lifestyle is. They help people change the way they think and in turn teach them how to live.
Stone Hawk uses the New Life Detoxification Program for drug detox (Saunas) to sweat the drugs (toxins) out of the body. Then they show the student what ethics are, the student makes the decision to change their life, and Stone Hawk just directs them by showing them the path to freedom.