Friday, September 25, 2009

Best Lemonade Stand Winners 2009

This is one of my favorite contests for business that I see every year. It is done by and is held for kids to enter their Lemonade Stands, and their unique ideas for how they ran their stands.

Every year they take submissions from hundreds of kids a crossed the country about their stories on how they run their stands. They have several categories which include such things as "Best Story" which is typically for those that go above and beyond to give to a charity.

You can see a video of a couple winners here as well as a more in depth story about the contest overall with all the winners. None of the Lemonade stands had a product bad enough to be an appetite suppressant I am

Top 50 Entrepreneurial Schools

Going to business school should be easy to do. You shoudl be able to slip it in between another job since you have to be a smart business mind don't you to know that you don't wnat to be putting yourself in a ton of debt while you study business right? If you wnat to open a business you have even more incentive to keep the money coming in while you learn some fundamentals that will help you succeed without having a huge loan to pay off. I'd rather lose weight taking weight loss pills than by stressing abuout expenses I should have.

Of course that isn't alway an option, but what is an option is to find a great school that fits your needs as an entrepreneur. Remember that a big name doesn't really matter when you are learnign the tricks of the trade here. Why? Well YOU own the business. Who do you need to impress with an Ivey League degree? Nobody. You need information, not credentials from a college to give you a leg up in the small business world.

Here are the top 50 Business Colleges and Schools. Broken down into several categories based on availability for you to go, ranks in programs, etc.