Monday, June 02, 2008

Maximize Your Small Busines Income Payout

One of the odd things about owning a business is deciding how much to actually pay yourself. Your income is sometimes a tough number to maximize while still trying to keep your tax bill as low as possible.

There are a few things you can do to increase your income, but it may not always be just straight Instead of taking a Slimquick approach to your income, maybe take a look at some of these options to either lower your taxable income, or simply spread the income hit out over years instead of all in one shot.

How to Make the First Million

This probably isn't anything more than interesting reading for most, but some have either felt the joy of making that first million dollar sale, or are desparately seeking it for themselves. discusses a few entrepreneurs' journeys to their first million dollar sale and how that sale changed everything for them. Certainly a very good memory for all of them.

One of the comapanies that are covered is Wal-MArt. A company that has drawn a lot of criticism over the years for all kinds of business practices. Ever wonder how they got to where they are? Read this story to hear a bit about how it was in the beginning.