Friday, November 09, 2007

Payday Loans

Though I have never gotten a payday loan before, pretty much because I've always been self-employed, I know people that have needed them. Hell...I probably have before, but with out that company paycheck it is tough to get one. Anyways, this place offers a new way to get one by providing Faxless Payday Loans which it appears many of the places require. Quite an odd thing to require really isn't it?


Man...I keep putting off learning about podcasting. It seems like I see it everywhere though and how it is such a benefit for marketing.

Advertising on audio or video podcasts is a great way to deliver your message to an audience that's tuned in. An ad can appear preroll (before content) or postroll (after content). Or you can opt for a midroll (also called interstitial) ad, which is inserted within the content. Generally speaking, you need an MP3 file for audio and a QuickTime or Windows Media Player file for video. more

The Mist Movie

Every time a new Stephen King movie comes out there is going to be a great following. So knowing that The Mist by Stephen King is coming out this month is going to be no different.

If you have ever read his books and then see the movie you knwo that they are typically well done. This one I believe is from a short story, or at least that is how I originally heard it. I heard it as an audiobook some time back it it is indeed a creepy tale. It is about some people in a town that get trapped in a grocery store when a strange sort of "Mist" rolls into town. The fog is so dense that they cannot see anything and therefore are pretty much trapped inside. They find out rather quickly that this isn't some sort of normal fog and that it contains some strange creatures in it that they can hear, but not see. Most think it is some sort of strange experiment perpetrated by the nearby military base.

Not all of his movies hit the big screen, as many of them take much more than a couple hours to portray and therefore are put into a mini-series like The Stand was.
The Mist by Stephen King is going to hit the big screen and that means it is going to have a much bigger budget for special effects. Those "creatures" in the fog I have only read/heard in the audiobook, but will be quite interested to see what they look like once they are portrayed on film. Should be another great movie.

Waht's your favorite Stephen King book/movie? I can't even think twice about mine, and it is probably a favorite of many others. The Shining. That movie is still scary today and has a great performance from Jack Nicholson. That movie has so many scary moments it is hard to pick just one. I'd say that the moment where the blood is flowing freely down the halls is one of the best.

Less Networking Can Mean More

I read everyday and tend to link to a lot of their articles, but this one really was something I have thought about extensively in the past. No matter what business you are in, be it sales, or marketing, or anything else that requires you to build relationships, there is sometimes something to be said for who you market to. It is also important to spend more time networking with the right people. I am a big believer in the quality over quantity aspect when it comes to marketing. What one great contact can do for you is usually 1tenfold in what it takes you to get by trying to network with ten times that many people

Referral networking is more about farming than hunting. An overemphasis on running from one networking event to another looking for new relationships is a waste of time, money and energy that you should be using to develop the relationships you've already started. It's like running around knocking coconuts out of trees, when you should be planting coconut trees for the future. full article

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Improve the look of your garge floor

Are you tired of that ugly old cement that has oil stains all over it? Have you ever actually looked into the options that you can work with when it comes to garage flooring? I really haven't until I looked at that site and realized just how much better I could make my garage look. Besides just making it look better, you can actually protect your floor much better from all sorts of ugly things. Things like professional grade epoxy allow you to not only make it look good, but make it much easier to clean and protect. Very eye-opening and some of their examples look amazing.

Hiring by reading body language?

I was reading an interesting article today about how to rad body language, but it was in reference to using that skill to hire employees. Is this a good way to do business?

I've always prided myself on being able to read people. I may be a bit more trusting than most, and try to give people the benefit of the doubt in personal matters, but when it comes to hiring people I am typicaly spot on. Looking at body language has always been one of the things I have tried to take notice of. Shifting eyes away when someone is speaking to you, laying back in a chair like you could care less, or someone that looks you straight in the face when they talk. These are just a few examples of things that I usually take into account when talking to a prospective employee. If they tend to shift their eyes away from you often when answering questions about themselves, many times I get the strong feeling that they are either lying, or not telling the whole truth. Slouching down in the chair and acting nonchalant when trying to get hired tends to show me that this individual is not much of a team player and that they quite possibly have problem with listening to their boss.

I'm not saying that you can hire someone based upon these little things, but I think as part of an interview it is something a person should learn to recognize. Taken with what their resume says, you may be able to figure out if it is really true to what this person acts like.