Monday, May 14, 2007

Why a gasoline boycott won't work

I tell people this all the time. It comes up frequently as gas prices rise, yet there is always a chain e-mail out there asking drivers to forgo gas purchasing on a certain day. This time it is for May 15th and until now I have not actually seen an article on a major site ever address this silly little campaign.

The article just suggests that if people don't buy it that day, they will buy it today or the next. It will make no difference. What they do mention though is that many own't buy coffee, sodas, etc. from those places. What that does is hurt the local merchant in most cases, while doing nothing to the gas companies.

One day will do nothing. It never has, and never will. Gas prices are based on loinger-term trends than they are on a one day decrease.

Read the article for some quotes and historical numbers about this urban legend:



Anonymous said...

Yeah, I don't know how to get gas prices to come down, but a boycott doesn't seem like the way. We need gas and our cars. Our lives are based around them. I could take the bus to work, would take me an hour and five minutes, where it takes me 15 minutes to drive. It's 7 miles. My time is so valuable now, more so than my money, it seems. *shrug*