Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Should You Be Advertising on Facebook?

LEt's stick with Facebook today. One thing that a lot of business owners don't understand is their advertising. Most small business owners have a difficult time knowing exactly how to target their customers. They many times don't know their perfect marketplace to advertise. Instead they just start taking stabs in the dark to anyone that sounds like they have a good pitch and payoff. This rarely works.

Obviously the ad sellers are going to have their own interests at heart. Their pitch may be completely oblivious to your needs. Instead pitching general advertising ideas that don't fit your needs. They don't know your business so they can't be expected to have the best plan for you without you directing it a little right?

Then we have the grand old world of online advertising. More specifically social media, and Facebook advertising. You may have some sort of presence on Facebook, but why the hell are you even advertising on it? Does your business even benefit from advertising there if you really think about it? Are you just buying some ads shooting arrows with a blindfold on? Probably.

Maybe if you are a web based business that appeals to more than a few local segments like posting solar powered house numbers next to a page about solar energy sure. IS it really that targeted? Read?: "Is Facebook Advertising For You?".