Friday, August 03, 2012

9 Routine Tasks That Ruin Your Work Day

These may all be sort of common sense, but that doesn't mean you don't fall into the the same traps. So many things get in the way when you have to deal with employees and you aren't as orgnanized as you think you are. Wasting time you don't have, setting too many tasks to be done in a day, or simply just making things chaotic for no reason at all. Rachel Weeks couldn't get through the workday without constant interruptions. Employees at her Durham, N.C., apparel company, School House, would ask her to sign checks, approve designs and field questions whenever they wanted. No she didn't put up crowd control barriers. Realizing that routine tasks were taking over her day, she started signing checks once a week, sending out packages at a set time each day, and addressing staff questions at weekly meetings. Here are 9 tips she can give for helping you focus.