Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Wirefly Announces the Ten Most Popular Cell Phones of 2006

Topping the list of course is the grand daddy of them all the Motorola RAZR. The Verizon one at #3 is actually the phone I have and they are correct in putting it up there as one of the top ones of 2006. The phone is just great. Click the link to see their list of the top 10 cell phones of 2006.

Before the 2006 cell phone campaign, Wirefly predicted the 5 cell trends expected to become even more popular in 2006. Showing how they fared in the previous link it appears that they were right on target. 9 of the top 10 phones they sold in 2006 were camera phones. They also made claims on the smartphones by Cingular, the trend of producing cell phones for kids, and the expansion of GPS services on cell phones.

With the year behind us it is clear that technology is advancing much faster than I am. Even when I do get the latest new gadget it seems like I am still a step behind. This year after finding the Wirefly site I’ve come to find a much better resource to keep myself up to date on all the crazy cell phone trends and stay ahead with the research.