Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Online Social Networking Difference has an article about what the improtance of social networking online is today. Nobody had to tell me how important marketing was online. I've always been a marketer by trade in the offline world so I knew right away that when I got into the online world social networking was going to be a big deal . It is almost even more important online than it is outside. Simply because you need others to build your sites and help them gain popularity. Even for something like selling colon cleanse solutions, you need other webmasters to help get the word out about your products.

These social networks are popping up everywhere, and at the same time it is spawning business in every facet of the online world. Myspace, Facebook, Digg, paid posting companies, blog networks, message boards, etc. Every one of these places is as important to your online life as the website you have. That is if you want to jump start your project. Take a look at the article for more info.