Thursday, August 07, 2008

Gold Medal Millionaires

With the Olympics looming, it may be of some interest to see just how successful some former Olympians have become. Millionaire Olympians that is.

I really haven't eve r thought a whole lot about how successful financially some of the immensely popular Gold MEdal winners from past Olympic Games have become. They all just seemd like they weren't in sports that money followed, and that people just really didn't care a whole lot abou tit once the games were over. I know I never really did. Expecially these days as the Olympics aren't even something I bother to watch anymore. Even the major sports like Basketball, or Baseball.

I suppose it has a lot to do with these people being "amateurs", as well as people being busted for things like steroids, taking some sort of crazy diet pills, or some muscle building formula to compete.

Anyways, Take a look at some of the Gold Medal Millionaires and see what they have become. You'll recognize quite a few I'm sure.