Sunday, December 12, 2010

Holliday Gift Season For Employees

While a lot of employers give out gifts to their employees around Christmas, does anyone actually give gifts that people want?

I've always found that getting a bonus check of even $50 was the best gift. Cash always wins. If not I always liked getting a gift card. Not a specific store card, but just an overall Visa card, or something similar. Again, being able to do with it what I want.

I've worked at some places that are a bit creative, but most tend to just give something like a free turkey, or ham around Christmas. While not a bad thing, when 4-5 other people in your family get the same thing at their jobs it is a bit much to have that many in the freezer.

With the gift cards you can get anything. If it fits into the accounting books I always like the idea. Women can pick up some nice women's sweaters, buy some stuff for the kids, or you can even use it for something you have to have like groceries. Most people that work and get small gift cards could use an extra 50 bucks just to pay their bills, but it also helps for buying gifts.