Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mobile Coupons For Your Business?

Coupons are a proven strategy to get customers into the door. Many times getting them to come back for more, but most importantly, they tend to make you a little bit of profit regardless of whether you are giving the customer a discount. They will likely purchase something else since they are there anyways.

What about the new, and increasing popularity of paperless coupons? Is your business set up to accept such a coupon? Many customers now are able to use coupons straight from a mobile device at the point of purchase, and if you aren't able to accept them, you obviously aren't getting part of this market. Anyone at a mall checking out hgh reviews and then seeing more than one shop that sells health supplies may see a coupon for one place, but not yours. Figure out some easy steps to set your store up for mobile coupons.