Thursday, February 22, 2007

Cisco Video Conferencing

Cisco has always been of interest to me from the stock market standpoint so anytime I can give a broader audiendce a bit of information about what they actually do it is a plus. Cisco is the worldwide leader in networking for the internet. Their services are as important to businesses, educational institutes, and government agencies as any company in the world.

One of the areas that they focus business on is video conferencing. Video conferencing allows businesses to take advantage of resources around the world by putting everyone in the same room. This area is no more apparent that when anyone has taken classes online. You can interact and see students from all over and speak directly to the instructor. Lessons are easier to learn because of the ability to see what is being taught as well as hear the instructor explain it. Take that concept into any other professional area and you can see the benefits of such a product.