Sunday, July 10, 2011

Get Bored Easy With Only One Business?

As entrepreneurs many of us have a lot of ideas. We may have a great idea and start a business, but we always have more ideas. We look at things a little differently I suppose. We see something that others see and don't look at it just as something useful, but we look at it and try to figure out how we can make money off of it. There is always something else we could jump into right?

While we work in whatever industries we are in we always run a crossed things that we think are either underrepresented, or at least represented so poorly that we think we could make some good money off of them if we do it better. While they are getting calls from collection agencies we are seeing dollar signs at their failure to take advantage. This kind of entrepreneur, or the "serial entrepreneur" is a bit of a different breed. Take a look at 11 Historic Serial Entrepreneurs and see what you might have in common.